Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo (from Sanskrit: Brahma, one of the Main Hindu Gods), is a volcano is still active and most famous as a tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Mount Bromo become attractive because of its status as the volcano is still active.
Bromo has a height of 2392 meters above sea level is located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Malang. Mount Bromo mesh body shape between valleys and canyons with a caldera or a sea of ​​sand covering approximately 10 square kilometers.
Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of ​​a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo. 

  • Bromo sacred mountain

For residents of Bromo Tengger tribe, Mount Brahma (Bromo) believed to be a sacred mountain. Once a year the ceremony Tengger Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo. The ceremony was held at a temple located at the foot of Mount Bromo and proceed north to the top of Mount Bromo. The ceremony was held at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kasodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar. 

  • Transportation

To get to Mount Bromo, you can fly from Juanda International Airport in Surabaya. Sriwijaya Air flies twice daily from Jakarta to Malang.
From there, you can continue the journey to Mount Bromo to the travel agent to book or driving a car with-Pasuruan-Surabaya route Wonokitri-Mount Bromo. This perjalanaan spend 2 to 3 hours.
There are three entrances other than the path above, the Village Cemorolawang when you pass through Probolinggo, Village Ngadas when you pass through Malaysia, and Burno village when the passing lane of Lumajang. All of this pathway can be reached comfortably on a four-wheel vehicle.
Usually routes or paths used is:

1. Pasuruan - Warung Dowo - Tosari - Wonokitri - Mount Bromo, located 71 km.
2. Malang - Overlapping - Shack Klakah - Jemplang - Mount Bromo, located 53 km.
3. Malang - Purwodadi - Nongkojajar - Tosari - Wonokitri - Penanjakan, within 83 miles.

In order to arrive on time to see the sunrise, you should go with a little computation time, or it can stay in one of the hotels in Prigen, Tretes to ensure you are on the slopes of the crater before sunrise.
When in Bromo, when you are not using a personal vehicle selalunya 4X4 vehicles available to take you to the rental commonplace enough to get another experience like this. It is a bit pricey if you go and bear all the costs themselves. When clustered, the cost burden will be light. 

  • Culinary

A little difficult to get food in the core area of ​​national park. But if you forget to bring food, eateries near Mount Bromo is open from 3 am until 9 pm at the Village Wonokitri, Tosari Market area. Stalls and restaurants are providing a wide range of typical Indonesian food like ketoprak, fried rice, salad cingur, bandrek, and many others.
There are many simple guesthouse and hotel in the vicinity of Mount Bromo. Guesthouse Bromo is located in Ngadisari is 3 km from the crater slopes or you can choose another in Cemorolawang located on the slopes of the crater.
You can also stay in Tretes, Pasuruan, or Malang. This is the closest towns to Bromo with cool shades mountain resort. There are also many nice hotels that offer a spectacular view of Mount Semeru and Mount Arjuna.
Please see also:

  • Accommodation

1. Java Banana Bromo
    Jl. Kingdom Bromo, Sukapura, Probolinggo 67,254
    Tel.: 0335 541 193
    Fax.: 0335 541 157
2. Bromo Cottages
    Tosari, Pasuruan 67,177
    Tel.: 0343 571 222
    Fax.: 0343 571 333
    Email: info@bromocottages.com
3. Lava Café Hotel
    Tel. / Fax: 0341 541 020
4. Lava View Cottage Bromo
    Tel. / Fax: 0341 541 147
5. Hotel Bromo Permai
    Tel. / Fax: 0341 541 021
The following website can help you to make a decision which will stay: http://www.wisatamalang.com/hotel/bromo.html there are also many nice hotels that offer a spectacular view of Mount Semeru and Mount Arjuna.

  • Tips

Temperatures on Mount Bromo range from 3 ° -20 ° Celsius, but can be a few degrees below zero during the dry season. If you are not strong with the cold air, you should bring a jacket, gloves, and a hat or other head covering. After sunrise the weather quickly became quite hot here.
Do not forget to bring a camera or camcorder so you can capture these stunning natural beauty.
From Penanjakan to Ocean Sand, the route is very steep, so that the ordinary four-wheel vehicles are not recommended. Riding, hiking, or rent a 4X4 vehicle of a tour guide can be an alternative. 

  • Activity
  1. Watching a spectacular sunrise from the peak of Mount Bromo Bromo tour.
  2. Come in Kasada / tenth (usually in September-November) and see Kasada annual festival which came to the Bromo Tengger throwing offerings of vegetables, chicken, and money into the crater of the volcano. Horse in the sea of ​​sand which only national park is an experience second to none compared. 
  3. Sand sea is so wide and with a height of 2392 meters, the uniqueness of this nature exist only in Indonesia. Ocean sand looks awesome when the sun rays kejinggaan sweep in the morning, it is clear from Cemorolawang, one entrance to the park.
  4. The climbers of Mount Semeru, selalunya did detour into some cold lake is always foggy, namely Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, and Ranu Kumbolo. This is a shifting focus of a memorable trip.

2 komentar:

    Dalam rangka Memperkenalkan “Kawasan Tengger-Bromo" dari segala aspek, Kami buka Pondok Tani (Cottage) Tanjung - Tosari untuk umum
    # hub per sms/tlp: 081385458993-081553258296(Dudick).*-*081249244733-085608326673(Elie)*
    # Informasi di Facebook dengan nama : Bromo Tanjung Pondok Pertanian
    * rute: pasuruan-warungdowo-ranggeh-pasrepan-puspo-tanjung KM 95 pos jaga doreng turun.(Tanjung Pondok Tani) -> (Baledono-Tosari)<-
    =Menuju Bromo melalui pintu gerbang: >Pasuruan-Tosari-Wonokitri<
    @.kamar los + 2 km mandi luar, kapst: 9 s/d 16 orang. Rp.350.000,-/malam.
    @.kamar utama + km mandi dalam + perapian, kapst: 4 s/d 6 orang. Rp.250.000,- /malam.
    @ fasilitas:.Kamar mandi air panas,.dapur,.kulkas,.ruang makan,.teras serba guna (4 x 12 m),. halaman api unggun,. tempat parkir unt 6 mobil,. kebun sayur.

    Dalam rangka Memperkenalkan “Kawasan Tengger-Bromo" dari segala aspek, Kami buka Tanjung Pondok Tani (Homestay) Tosari-Pasuruan untuk umum
    # hub per sms/tlp: *081385458993 (Dudy).* - *085608326673(Elie)*-*BBM. 274E09B8(Galuh)
    # Informasi di Facebook dan google dengan nama : Bromo Tanjung Pondok Pertanian
    # Email : bromotanjungpondoktani@gmail.com
    * rute: pasuruan-warungdowo-ranggeh-pasrepan-puspo-tanjung KM 95 pos jaga doreng turun.(Tanjung Pondok Tani) -> (Baledono-Tosari)<-
    GPS : 7°51'28" S 112°53'48" E atau -7.857778° 112.896667°
    =Menuju Bromo melalui pintu gerbang: >Pasuruan-Tosari-Wonokitri<=
    @.kamar los + 2 km mandi dalam, kapst: 9 s/d 16 orang. Rp.450.000,-/malam.
    @.kamar utama + km mandi dalam + perapian, kapst: 4 s/d 6 orang. Rp.300.000,- /malam.
    @.2 kamar std + km mandi dalam, kapst: 4-6 orang. Rp.250.000,- / malam
    @ fasilitas:.Kamar mandi air panas,.dapur,.kulkas,.wifi,.teras serba guna (4 x 12 m),. halaman api unggun,. tempat parkir unt 6 mobil,. kebun sayur.
